Monday, May 25, 2015

Medium Shot (MS): A human subject in MS is generally shown from the waist up; background begins to be visible and potentially important, and two-shots are possible.

Fire hydrant in UKM looks very "furious" (because it is red)!

On the way back to my temporary home - UKM

My friend, Sherry - model of the year!

Friends busy editing short film while I took pictures of them.

A mini basketball ring in my company's office hanging beside the stairs.

Students gather together to have a meal in my faculty.

A picture of another pair of friends who're busy editing short films as well.

My friend trying to hide away from the camera while having conversation with her.

A lonely chair sitting all alone or is it standing all alone since it is on all 4 legs right?

A chair of "friends"? *laugh*

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